誠意向大家推荐, 我們於2019年迎來的高中物理老師, 蕭老師.
We are proud to announce that we have one of the Strong and Firm (in theory) former school teacher to open Senior Physic Classes for KC and TJ students as well as Confucian and CHKL students by school.
蕭老師自美國物理系畢業回國之後, 即在獨中開啟她的教育旅程. 擁有多年的(獨中)高中物理教學經驗.
Miss Xiao, also called Xiaolaoshi, whom is major in pure Physic department in USA, went back to Malaysia for her educational career in year 2008 after she completed her honor. Her first Job as a teacher was started in one of the famous independent school in KL and also she did her best to teach even more than her paid off.
今年, 2019年, 蕭老師在我們這裡開班.
This year, year 2019, we have Xiaolaoshi to be with us as our Senior Physic teacher, to make our teaching team one more step to complete (至善).
Let me introduce and welcome de years experienced Physic teacher with hot blood, xiaolaoshi to you.
This is the time table.
1. 坤成 高1理 物理 星期三 6-8pm
2. 循尊 高1理 物理 星期四 6-8pm
有意者, 請在星期一至星期五下午的5:30~9:00pm, 撥打我們的行政電話詢問詳情.
Do ring a phone call to our admin office at 0108312884, Monday to Friday, 5:30pm~9:00pm for more informations sooner.
我們的 歷届十大 (2018top10) 榮譽榜